Let's Talk About Sex, Really
Sex is everywhere, yet we're not talking about it openly and too many people report not having much sex or being unsatisfied with the sex they're having. Dr. Alisa Kriegel gets real. Talking about sex and relationships in an open, honest and shame free way. She gives you permission for pleasure and encourages you to be bold in speaking up to share what you want and improve the sexual connection with yourself and your partners.
Podcasting since 2021 • 14 episodes
Let's Talk About Sex, Really
Latest Episodes
Let's Talk About a New Definition of Sex
In today's episode Dr. Alisa Kriegel discusses the need for a broader definition of sex, moving beyond traditional view of "sex" mainly referring to penetration & "p in v" intercourse. By expanding how we define sex with also expand t...

Let's Talk About Romance
Valentine's Day is here again—the hearts, flowers, candlelight dinners, and grand gestures plastered all over Instagram. Let's be honest, a lot of this is driven by the hope of romance and sex. But from what I've seen with clients, friends, and...

Let's Talk About Hacking Your Nervous System for Better Sex
Dr. Alisa talks about the nervous system. While it might sound neuro-science geeky, the Poly Vagal Theory can help you have better sex! She discusses how being stressed in a flight or fight/trauma response (Sympathetic nervous syste...
Season 1
Episode 12

Let's Talk About Sex Rooms: Redecorating your Relationship
In this episode Dr Alisa Kriegel is talking about all the reasons why you should be watching the Netflix show "How to Build a Sex Room." She discusses all the ways in which it can help you learn more about what turns you on and how to create a ...
Season 1
Episode 11

Let's Talk About Sex Toys: Solo Sex and Partnered Sex with Toys, Oh My! Part 2
Dr. Kriegel continues sharing information about sex toys this time with a focus on toys for Men and also toys for Couples. This is about exploration, pleasure and play. There is no one way to have sex or be sexual. Sex toys ar...
Season 1
Episode 10