Let's Talk About Sex, Really
Let's Talk About Sex, Really
Let's Talk About Hacking Your Nervous System for Better Sex
Dr. Alisa talks about the nervous system. While it might sound neuro-science geeky, the Poly Vagal Theory can help you have better sex! She discusses how being stressed in a flight or fight/trauma response (Sympathetic nervous system) can shut down parts of your body's functioning needed for sex. Being in a Parasympathetic State, also known as Safe & Social, helps your juices flow for better, wetter and more connected sex. Listen to learn a simple hack to help get your body or your partner's body feeling safer, sexier and more present! This will help you re-think your whole foreplay game!
Listen to all podcast episodes and find more resources on my website: ALISAKRIEGEL.COM
For more on how to map your own nervous system and feel safe:
Deb Dana's, "Anchored"
For a much deeper dive into the science:
Stephen Porges, PhD. "The Poly Vagal Theory: Neuropsychological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication & Self-Regulation