Let's Talk About Sex, Really
Sex is everywhere, yet we're not talking about it openly and too many people report not having much sex or being unsatisfied with the sex they're having. Dr. Alisa Kriegel gets real. Talking about sex and relationships in an open, honest and shame free way. She gives you permission for pleasure and encourages you to be bold in speaking up to share what you want and improve the sexual connection with yourself and your partners.
Let's Talk About Sex, Really
Let's Talk About Closing The Orgasm Gap
Dr. Alisa Kriegel
Season 1
Episode 6
Did you know that men on average orgasm during sexual encounters and intercourse far more frequently than women? Statistics often show a difference of as much 40% more. This wide gap is often referred to as THE ORGASM GAP. In this episode Dr. Alisa Kriegel talks about possible causes for these differences and more importantly, explores ways in which we can start to close the gap!
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